Help my unbelief

I just want to praise You
Lift my hands and say I love You
You are everything to me
and I exalt your holy name on high

The highest calling?  It's to praise God.

So many times I've been singing my voice out
and my heart bursts with love for God. 
The tears begin to flow
and I am utterly overwhelmed. 

Completely taken over. 

But praising God and enjoying His presence isn't easy
when I fear that God is upset with me.
I've messed up
and I know it.
The guilt and shame are not easy to bear. 

But Jesus came
to deliver me from that fear
so that I
can be relaxed
in God's presence. 

I can come to God full of respect,

I must refuse to believe any thought that God is angry with me.

Because He's not.

It's not sin that hinders me.  It's unbelief.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't rely on your own understandings.
Proverbs 3:5

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