
I am so sorry for what I did.  There is no excuse; I know better.  If I knew then how sorry I'd be at that moment, I would not have done it.  I know there is no way of getting that back.  No way of regaining my innocence.  I was selfish, I wanted attention; I was one -dimensional.  O Lord, I come to you in humbleness and regret...please forgive me.  Please help me.

My Child, I am a forgiving God.  Turn to me with all of your heart and you will find Me. 
Love me with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and you will not be tripped by sin.
Your life is ever before Me:  do not worry about the past or fret over the future...these are firmly and safely in My hands.  I am leading you on the safe and narrow path.  And watch, for I am doing something new...I am He who makes a path in the wildnerness, a stream in the wastelands of your life.
I do not remember your sins; remember they have been put from you as far as the east is from the west.  I have wiped you clean by the blood of my Son.
In the midst of your anxious, overwhelming thoughts, I am there to comfort you.  My right hand holds you up and covers you in the storm of are not alone.
My word is a light on your steps.  Walk in My ways.
My word is food for your soul.  Eat until you can hold no more.
My word is a balm for your spirit.  Find your comfort within it.
Let Me be the strength and your life.

Amazing Love

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