Longing for gentleness

There are those annoying times when my need for the approval from people becomes greater than my desire to please God.  I become frustrated and my sweetness is lost.  My heart loses some of it's tenderness and I am not easily won back to God.

At these times, I am so hard on myself.  Even harder on myself than I usually am. My longing for love and acceptance starts to outweigh the loveliness that God has formed in me.  And that kind heart which cherishes and holds dear the needs of others becomes a gathering place for pain and despair.

And when I find myself needy and hungry and I long for satisfying companionship, I need to be gentle on myself and not despise the longing in my heart.  My pain is not trivial.  How can I possibly be sweet, fair and patient with others when I am not those things to myself?  I need to allow God's holy gentleness to minister to me and permit myself to be comforted and encouraged by His gentle thoughts, by His gentle love.  HE is never nasty, cranky or unkind.  The judging, spiteful, competitive hurdles I must leap in this life require His gentleness to guide me.

So.....today I will be gentle on myself.

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